Monday, November 21, 2011

Poem, 2 Haiku, Poem


A human being was lost and drifted off,
The artificial anchor fell away.
A woman has a husband and children
This creature has neither, by the way.

How many times can we start over fresh
When we’re limping, gray and plain out of breath?
Volunteer, join a gym and take a class.
Pretend that you don’t see the face of Death.

II – 2 Haiku

Nothing is sweeter
Than falling in love
In New York City
New York

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Stops me in my tracks


How do I give up the concept of self,
After decades of fighting for notice?
Turn off the lights. Sit alone in the dark
And try to breathe yourself into the air.
No demands or expectations is so
Much easier when nothing is offered.

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