Good morning. My name is Sue
Reinhard and I have multiple sclerosis. Let me introduce my support system.
Right. Just me. No husband. No family. Whatever I do, I do on my own. Oh, my
doctors are good, and my church will comfort me and even my building managers
look after me…but I’m on my own. One day I will need Assisted Living or Nursing
Care and while I know how much that will cost...I also
know that I can’t
afford to pay $3,000 a month for it. And
do I really want to be wheeled into a corner of someplace that gives minimal
care? To do nothing but sit the rest of my days? I believe in Assisted Suicide,
if I so choose; but I do not permit other people to decide that I am
excess baggage. I joke that if assisted care is only for the rich, I’ll find a
bridge to live under. Let’s hope that’s just a joke.
this is sobering. is that outcome inevitable? i don't know that much. thought there were effective meds. don't any of them work for you?